131: Headcrash Bruce Bethke

Roadkill on the Information Superhighway!



Have some porn on your way out

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

This is gonna be quite the visual metaphor, but imagine you're on a desert island and there's a dead rotting seagull. It's kind of food

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Oh this is going to be.................just profoundly the worst.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Is it specifically deepfake porn of his boss? Because that's the implication I got

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

I hope its the actual plot of the book.


A let's shoot up the office simulator, lot less fun post Columbine

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky


Hey Bruce?


It's called Going Postal

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Remember when you said this in 2005, Bruce?

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Oh good, not knowing which layer of reality you're on is the best time to start shooting

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Bruce? Do you think the office setting makes mass shootings okay?

Or was this a thing you felt bad about later?

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

It might be the only time


No problems here

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Bruce, I think your Publisher was right.

Bruce you piece of shit, are you playing a Doom .WAD?

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

His publisher... Wanted him to end the book with the hero murdering lots of children... Is that a lie?


Bruce seems like the kind of guy to mod Doom to include his female coworkers.


Fuck it

Do it Bruce

Shoot her


So... funny

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

It certainly doesnt feel true.


Spare her the indignity of being in this book

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky


Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Oh it's jokes haha funnee

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

Not Mr. Dong


Oh, darn


Fuck you, Boyce

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

Give him a noble death


Sorry. Reflex

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

"It was porn, I swear!"


This book was the basis of several workplace sexual harassment policies.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Ok so you got caught playing video games at work, now how do we make it your boss's fault

Oh yeah she has sex


Like a prostitute does!


An examination of chapter titles

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

If only I was hot enough to bang for promotions

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

I wish this had been a brain virus that killed people.


I sense a theme


Oh fuck you Bruce

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

The Ring as a really shitty book


You insufferable boring baseball brained son of a bitch

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

You have to finish reading it to end the curse


I'm going to eat dinner and when I get back there better be a plot


Not in Chapters 1, 1A, or 2. But, yeah


There will not be

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Oh GOD is this not past chapter 2?!


We're in chapter 7

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Oh thank god.


And he's fired

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

My perception of time is expanding most unpleasantly.


I too am going to go eat dinner. I hope the hero is dead by the time I get back.

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

And yeah fire that asshole.


He won't be

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Like its one thing to run videogames on the company hardware, its another to play ones about your boss being a titty demon you gun down.


Gotta say the chapter titles named after unix commands were less insufferable than the disaster bit.




It's a god damn dystopia where you can't even jack off and play video games in your shared office without the political correctness feminazis getting you fired

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

That's 2 on the postal service jokes

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

Pre-Columbine, that was where shootings happened

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Also fuck you Bruce, the Postal Service is the only fucking part of the government thats worked since 1980 or so.

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

It's a lazy play to the zeitgeist, is what I'm saying


This entire book is

This book aspires to be hacky

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Oh I know, I too consumed 80s and 90s American media


Seems needlessly elaborate

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

Oh hell, this is a daydream of his, isn;t it


God damn it

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Bruce wishes he could reach the heights of "uninspired"


Guess what's back!


Someone once told Bruce "oh, sorry, I thought you were telling a joke" and he has ridden that high for thirty years

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Maybe I will Bruce. I bet I could sue you.


I don't think we've ever read something by an author I've hated more.


Well, back to the racism

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

You obviously dont have the money to fight frivolous lawsuits from the looks of your bibliography, I bet I could make you settle out of court.

Dont ask because you couldnt think of a good reason or dont ask because your stupid reason is needlessly complicated?


What? You expect me to write things?

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Because it's a detective novel, I guess?


...it is?

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky


Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Well no but he wants it to feel like one I think

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

I hope its SOMETHING aside from this asshole getting fired and maybe going back to shoot up his office.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Also I can't believe I was begging to return to this and it's immediately shit


That'll teach you

Never hope

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

The only good thing about this book is reading this assholes wikipedia page made me think of Frank Frazetta and now I can read:


He gets a porno delivery from a dwarf. Jack's virtual boner disturbs the bar owner

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

"My prostate, because boners do that, you see. Its not a clumsy joke about butt stuff."


You're American, Bruce, say jerkoffs

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Stop saying virtual each time.

You fucking hack.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

The "men in drag" punchline has already been telegraphed, so I think there is no way we're not doing that gag with Amber


I hate being right

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

"For the sake of the telepaths, think different thoughts" is a pretty messed up thing to demand

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

William Gibson and Mike Pondsmith should go to Bruce's house and beat him with hammers.


So anyways this loser got fired and now he lives with his mom and he plays VR all day and this ends like Catcher in the Rye doesn't it, you hacky fuck



Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Yeah don't look in my windows and complain my bedroom is messy, you shitass mind reader. I didn't invite you in


Get it

Marinara sauce


Wait. Did Zuckerberg use this as the inspiration for his meta verse instead of Snowcrash?


InfoPimps and DataWhores


Because it's red like blood

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Hey Bruce, this doesn't work. Do the whole thing again please

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Hey Bruce. What do you think a Rosicrucian is?

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave



Now, I'm going to show you what's on the next page and you won't believe it

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky



Did Bruce have a minimum number of pages in his contract?

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky


Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Solved it

Do I win nudity?

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

only madness

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Piss easy maze. Golden Corral had better ones.

Can we do connect the dots next Bruce?

Is there a picture of Spiderman we can color?

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

I like a crossword every now and then

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Maybe a Goofus and Gallant strip?

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

If Bruce is willing to put any fucking thing in this book

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Since apparently we are reading fucking Highlights.


The way she lit up that virtual homeless guy was so sexy


That was the most fun this book has been, by far

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

She's a digital avatar you terrible writer


If you're hobbling, wear more sensible footwear.

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Bruce. A note? You could have started the book like this and not made your main character an extremely unlikeable schlub and piece of shit nobody likes.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

That's how she walks in that thing

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Also make your online sex goddesses hover and glide.

Like theyve got noclip on.


This is a baffling conversation

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Wow so funnee

Funnee joke

Haha me go lol

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

Amber only learned how to speak in innuendo


We got bits

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

She learned english exclusively from Bond girls

Hey gellaho burn this book


Always trust virtual prostitutes

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

"No deal. Titties up front, and $500k later"

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

I'm shocked he didn't come up with some new name for the money


They want him to do this robbery with an experimental sex rig. And, time for said sex

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Fedbucks or something

So she's in the new sex rig but not him

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard


Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

So he can only feel with his hands


Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky



Gave up on the chapter titles

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky


PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

did he have virtual sex or just virtual make out?


What page are we on?

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Bruce kinda forgot about the disaster, but it didn't forget about him

Also why would anyone be sending a fax in this setting


Unclear if he finished quickly or his mom interrupted

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

I hope he got some kind of brain disease from sticking his dick in a USB port.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

No no forget the sex scene, why would anyone be sending a fucking fax

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Because technology


Time to jerkoff about that virtual sex I had

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

I imagine Maxx_Kool looks liek Duke Nukem, laying on the bed with a naked chick, then jumps up startled and squeals "Mo-ommm!?"

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Also, for our younger and currently non Japanese readers, if you try and send a fax to a telephone number, it makes a noise that sounds like a robot dying.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

I think the main character just remembered that his book has a plot?

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Seems like it.

Hes nearly four hours late with it, BRUCE.

I'm already on to Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer series, BRUCE.


Just let me worry about that

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

You lost me to barbarians and shit, BRUCE.


Oh that's the most ominous answer

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Gellaho is really good at the ominous answers.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

The infopimp doesn't want us to know anything that might upset us


He has breakfast with his online buddy

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

The First Cyberpunk, everyone. Writing a book where the protagonist says "I dont want to do that, its illegal and thats scary."

Oh my bad.



"People who are smart and know what they're doing don't do this shit." Might be, conceptually, almost, kind of, the first decent joke in this book


Operating at a real 1950s idea of a supercomputer

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Okay but a liquid nitrogen cooler would go hard on my rig.

I mean you dont really NEED that but it SOUNDS cool.

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

Quantum computers are cooled with liquid nitrogen or even liquid helium to maintain superconductivity, but they are far from powerful


Skin boat to tuna town


Radio telescope amplifiers are cooled with liquid nitrogen or else the thermal noise would drown out the signal.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

You're not supposed to balance the watch on your wrist, buddy. It has straps so it can't be knocked off

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

And that why the JWST operates around 10 K

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Bruce...........a watch?


Don't want to be disrespectful to the woman who threatened to take her top off at work

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Secondly, everything else in that passage is also stupid and terrible

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Really? A fuckin WATCH?!


'sail the skin boat to tuna town' is a bloodhound gang lyric.

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

"Sure I was super disrespectful to her when it came to thinking she was batshit insane, or looking at her tits when I thought she wasnt looking."

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Dating a woman is really disrespectful and frankly problematic as eff

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

"But I didnt FEEL bad about it."

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Wait actually no what


Jesus H Christ

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Bruce did you just tell us youre a proto incel?

Because you sound like the Incels hominid ancestor.

Incellus Erectus, as it were.


Again, collaboration with Vox Day.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Fucking Christ, even for this book that was quite an escalation


Holy fuck, Bruce

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Die in a fucking fire, Bruce.


This feels like he's telling on himself, right?

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave



See, but the last paragraph makes it all OK

Ignore the other 90% of it


Oh I didn't even read the stuff on the left

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Oh right the welfare queen shit.


Meanwhile, we fail to keep a low profile

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Bruce is clearly a Reaganite.

Succulent Eric Christian Berg

Man, I pop in from Avernus for a second and BOOM misogyny.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Oh it's been way more than a second of misogyny


Vroom vroom


Look, a landbarge would be released under the Buick label, not Chevy.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Ok what does she worship, let's think



You forgot to add the words "you hack fuck"


Going back for seconds on the bad Who joke. Also, plant cult


I assumed it was implied at this point.


So he's not dead, huh


You still need to let it out for your mental health m!


What we miss?

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Oh that's right she had a psychotic episode about a pot plant earlier


Would you believe nothing?


I would!



Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

And yet still to much to repeat


You could read this book while drowning and you wouldn't miss a god damn thing

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

No, you stupid bastard. They WERE ferns.

Pay attention Gunnar, if I have to you have to.

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

The Cosmic Fruited Plain

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

On the upside, a girl into a plant cult is way more likely to be DTF.


He got fired, a sexy lady wants him to steal virtual documents for 1 million dollars in an experimental fuck suit

And this ⁠book-nerds⁠



Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Also he said he's not really a neil breen superhacker and is in fact scared of doing any crimes


And they're not vegetarians, isn't that funny? I guess


Why does he need the experimental fuck suit?

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

But the sexy lady believed a bunch of 13 year olds in a chat room so she thinks he's a Shadowrunner

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

For fucking.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Unknown at this time but probably yes for fucking

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Also it makes total sense a group of plant worshippers would be down with eating meat.


And that's needed to steal documents?

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Plants love meat.


You know how you want to make out after church?

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Shes also real into fucking, apparently.

And actually yeah making out after is why you GO to church, right?

PhysWiz vs the Wanking Wizard

The Word does make some people horny


I don't know, you try to parse this


"It also gives painful shocks at random intervals"

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

"E......erotically painful, right? Right?"


OOoOOOOooooh, she is offering sex as a reward so they can pay him a laughably low amount of money to do a dangerous thing that will get him executed for treason if he fails


"Even the masochists hate it"

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

I assume so he can use his dick to cut the Black ICE.


Back to the after cult festivities. I don't think T'shombe knows what sex is


One million dollars isn't much in the distant future of 2005

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Hahahahahha suck it nerd.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Gotta give credit where it's due, Bruce knows how to write women


I don't think she knows what tag-team or masturbation are either

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

You even got her to use your dumb ass hacker name and she still turned you down.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Wait the opposite of that


To commit a crime that would require going off-grid afterwards? That is low

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Maybe next time dont use your juice on getting her to use something other than your REAL name.


Sex is when you take turns jacking off, right?


Making a cyberpunk dystopia without hyperinflation is another rookie move.

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Or make up a cooler handle, like Turbo Xylofucker or something.


Right, and you cut off each other's scalps when you're done. Everyone knows this.

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

I mean.........its not NOT that sometimes.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Jetstream Beefwhisper

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

People like different things, you know?


I just want to note T'shombe was basically gone from between Shark and Vooster leaving till just now


Sausage exclusively fucks Praying Mantis cultists

Flippant Sausage Foreskin Jerky

Sometimes its setting someone on fire, sometimes its cuddling and whispering Morally Upright Comradeship Slogans, sometimes its a reading of The Art of the Deal.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

They did one scene where she threatened to wear her native garb

Which was topless and grass skirt


That's where I left

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

And she said she was ethnically a Tutsi-Wutsi


Sometimes it's taking turns screaming into a storm drain while Mister Mister plays on the car radio nearby

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Oh you caught that, cool