Human Mammalian Hybrid Vooster
Maybe if they go to the future, they will have a cure for time cancer
#1 Time Riders
Maybe if they go to the future, they will have a cure for time cancer
Hey, @FancyShark include about 150 marines
"I'm sorry, Liam. The cure is discovered next year."
"ok bob, impersonate the Nazis"
(Bob climbs a tree and kills himself in it)
"ahhh... shit."
And possibly most of the US armed forces, but I don't know what that would be
Corpses in the copse, now
@FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning , how many for the US armed forces in total?
This is amazing without context
Oh, darn
Tree nazis!
Well in this timeline we never had a stand-down after WW2, right?
"Da. Ve are fuhrolicking."
You would die of time-distance getting there. Even though they could hand off the cure through time to each other like a relay, or deliver it from one person who already took it.
So that would be total military personel for the year 1945
That would suck, wouldn't it
Oh that's a lot
It's too many parsecs away 😔
Yeah. People actually wanted to be soldiers back then.
Or got drafted
Involuntary enthusiasm, I call it
I myself am from 1945 and signed up at 13 to kill me a Ratzi.
I combined Army and Navy
Airforce don't count
Bob helpfully instructs Liam to get captured
Hell yeah. Thanks, Velo!
Unfortunately I was wiped out at Normandy mere hours after my enlistment.
Fortunately I was saved by Time-Racers.
(Not affiliated with Time Riders)
Not past ten, anyway
What could possibly go wrong
This is a lot of doomed people Foster could be out recruiting if he hadn't got cancer from licking the speed force
Oh the irony of having a time machine and being at the mercy of a schedule
I'm part of the Great Lakes Time Riders
Liam thought the Terminator didn't really want to kill him.
Nice! They wiped out the Illinois Nazi Fourth Reich in 1975.
It's up to the infant computer to save the day
There's a series of books about time travel where they can travel in time but not space, so there's a limit on when they can travel to because of the earth's rotation and where you would be on it
There are fun ways to do time travel, is what I'm saying. This just isn't one of them
Meanwhile, in the future
Yeah, like instead of hitting snooze 3x every morning to get a total of 30 minutes more sleep, I can just go back in time 10 minutes three times
They ignore the warning and accidentally grab 1.25 Nazis
I've been thinking about funny irresponsible ways time travel could be used if it were commercially available and that's a great one
my thought was using time travel delivery apps to let you be delivered something the second you order it
Aside from summoning a rampaging chimp, this is the worst they could have possibly done
Time travel but only to go back for napkins after you sat down at the table
We got another Nazi Gimp!
Don't celebrate
They are still nazi
Oh boy, free Nazi! Everyone grab something heavy!
oh took me a minute to understand wtf just happened
that's fun
This is also a great way to launch a spaceship with no big fuel expenditure.
Dear diary--a Nazi joined the team today.
Hey, that's still .25 good nazis!
They send him and the limbs right back
Floating in space, come onnnnnn, floating in space.
The problem is time travel requires the full energy set of a universe to work. Are you prepared to kill Earth-C for Del Taco?
What was the liquid for again?
My nearest Taco Bell is 45 minutes away
Sure, send out the thirteen year old Indian girl on her own into Nazi territory. They'll surely leave her alone
Return to Fuhrer
Sal, even though you're from 100 years in the future, see if anything in alternate-1956 looks strange to you.
oh my God, Sal is going to drop into a puddle of Nazi juice
Bakken sie auf ze Fuhrer
that guy got liquefied on the return journey for sure
@FancyShark Add one complete presidential cabinet
The Nazis have constructed a hive!
This is how Swarm started
No, bees respect women
Respect woman
BEEP boop
And Bob respects no man. The ciiiiirrrcle of liiiiiiife
I like that Bob didn't evne tell Liam that one of his tactical options was to fucking kill himself and leave Liam there alone
Liam is loving this
This probably isn't important
you know what's just occurred to me? even though, from the time riders' perspective, this alternate timeline just happened... there's no reason why they couldn't have continued their training in nazi new york before going on this mission
And now the Ents join the fight
Cedar tree ents would die so fast
BEEP BOOP, arbitrary values calculated
like maybe give Bob time to learn facial expressions, and Liam to learn what a Nazi is?
Thanks Bob
Glad you're here Bob
This is just sloppy code.
Cannot express how glad I am that I've put my safety in your hands, Bob
this is reminding me a lot of Megamorphs #3, the bleakest and goriest animorphs book
they have to follow a yeerk who is on a time rampage through the history of earth warfare
What is love?
Don't know how that ended up as a reply
Correction: unit's manacles are hereby designated Polypenises. Rerouting nervous system....rerouting....rerouting...maximum sensuality potential instated. Shake my hand, Liam.
and they mostly fail and die and watch humans kill each other in every horible way imaginable
Sloth love Chunk
God damn it Bob I told you specifically not to fall in love with me
Meanwhile, in the Nazi disk
Wet Bob Iz Fren
Fallschirmjager means "falling down drunk"
Thanks Bob. Glad you're still wet, Bob. That'll really help you blend in.
Wow so creative
oh no
Unterkorporal Fritz Mutterfokker of the Goldschlager Korps
I don't want to hear about the Fuhrer's Very Special Place
I bet if we take out the mothership all the rest of the nazis will die
Because that's how armies and fleets work
Ah, he's got a body bag, I wonder what's in there
German is funny, I don't care how many German friends I make.
Maybe the German sense of humor is muted because it's hard to recognize comedy when every word is hilarious.
"You vant to see a dead body?"
And as long as we're playing into stereotypes, the Maltese can't dance.
People don't think Germans have a sense of humor, but it's actually very juvenile. A Carlin bit might go over their head, but you play a fart noise and they will laugh and laugh
Ah, there's the future doctor
It worked for bill Pullman
Liam should go back in time and teach the Germans Carlin's anti-authoritarianism.
Das Kramer!
Show him your dick!
Meanwhile, Liam's getting sent to a concentration camp
Fun for all the kids out there
was paul kramer the future guy? I forget
Good. That should help him focus.
Yeah but in the correct timeline it was Bill Paxton and they all died, leading to the aliens ruling Earth for 1000 years until the attacks of 9/(30)11
No Jayzus now, huh Liam?
Abandoned by your god
He's got you
wait... the entire population of new york? how many fucking camps do they have?
It's a shame Nazis ruined it. "Reeducation camp" sounds way more fun than "adult education"
(God was fake the entire time)
Not many once you delete all the ethnics from NYC.
Let me answer your question with a question:
Got ist tot
und VE haff kilt Him!
Are we having fun kids!
Liam weeps for the demise of the future.
God I hope this is on a summer reading list somewhere
Really change those kids
Entire population of NYC in 1956 or 2001?
Bob decides to take a nap
lol, both. Hell yeah
Did you eliminate the duplicates?
Wait no that's the state
Stop threatening to die and die, coward
See, the number's bigger which means it's better
Lamest cyborg ever
Oooh, right. So it's more like 16,111,997
New York City, 1950-1960: 7,781,984
Ah yes Washington DC. The most lightly armored city in America
Nazis really up the body count
I mean
The easiest city to attack
It'd be pretty easy with a tank
DC has more armed guards than any other city I've been to
You could even do an amphibious landing
Yeah, but the game was on
Hey, Alex? Why don't you suck my dick
They have a military base, CIA headquarters and FBI headquarters within miles!
also bragging that his future hover tanks are more maneuverable than a Sherman. Like, yeah, and I'm faster than my son because he's 12 months old, you don't see me showing off about it
And four years ago we saw that barely means shit
Well, it doesn't help that the armed guards, CIA, and FBI are all also nazis
If anything this book is depicting it as too hard
There was one black guy cop tho! He tried to help, bless him
he wanted Eisenhower to change into his true form and grow until his head burst through the white house roof
Yes, very interesting Mr Nazi
I was actually living in DC on January 6th and I panic attacked so hard my parents had to drive into the city to get me and take me home to stay with them for a few days
shut the fuck up, Paul
Look, Kramer. If you were the son of a woman from Minneapolis, you would be apologizing a lot more than you have.
This is a bold strategem, Alex
Who the fuck is Paul
The future scientist who gave the nazis the lasers
So, I forgot. Why are they siding with the Nazis when they hate the nazis?
honestly surprised this author was willing to admit that hitler was an incompetent fuckwit
Because this book is bad
Or is that a twist we have yet to uncover?
The Fuhrer's here!
They are both racist, so
I think Paul's trying to make history better?
"I'm like a Nazi dictator, but like a cool Nazi dictator"
Because no one evil uses a serpent for their banner
Sometime to stop a crime you have to double down on a different crime. Like using a nuke to interrupt a bank robbery in progress
And the Bond villain monologuing begins, but to himself
this book has sequels
Or eating an orange while brushing your teeth instead of drinking Sunny D
But first, some body horror for the children
I grew up on a New England beach and I refuse to believe anyone can walk on that sand without burning/slashing their feet, even in jackboots.
Which implies it sold well enough for those to get published
Imagine getting this book for Christmas
You would never forgive that relative
Nazi got Cronenburged
Could it be... time travelers?
Paul killed Hitler and stopped the genocide singlehandedly. He also prevented every shitty Republican president. I'm not coming aboard, but let's see where he steers this u-boat.
I'm not counting the nazi getting deformed as an atrocity
Meanwhile, Liam has a friend
Liam, learn to shake hands like a man
Or kiss him in greeting and claim it's a european thing
"Philadelphia Experiment, but use nazis" is an attractive concept.
You're in prison now, Liam, it's time to make some moves
Kids love it
yaaaay truck
Establish yourself as a top bottom, Liam
Yet realistic expectations for yourself, Liam
"Whoa... this kid's a versatile! I thought they all died out in the 1890s!"
You are the best bottom and no one will take that from you, Liam
It's probably nothing
They let Janice Rand run the transporter?
Switches are a myth! Many in the spanking community will tell you!
deal with the one thing, then at least it will be easier to say how many things you need to deal with
There couldn't possibly be extra-governmental kid time cops
And as long as no one else in history ever got a time machine...wait
"in the present that I know of there was only one time machine," he thought stupidly
I guess they caused all of history to be erased
"But our calendars..."
Which doesn't really follow how time travel has worked up to this point, but let's not worry about that
"it's not a big deal guys, we're just resetting the calendar so we can start properly on year 0 instead of year 1"
"Burn the calendars, fool!"
"But it has a kitty cat!"
Honestly the real smart thing would be to erase a random chunk of history
Damn commies
1836-1842? Gone. Wiped out completely.
Erase the Mesozoic and 1973
They know what they did.
Oh bullshit Russia's still standing.
Just let the time cops try to figure out why you did that, they'll die of cancer before they get around to just shooting you
Did they have another 400 million people in the pocket?
Even with time travel, they somehow keep attacking in the middle of winter
It's always winter in the timeline.
And that was a real weight off the fuhrer's shoulders
Erasing your history doesn't fix everything, Paul. If you had internet, you'd know that
Karl is such a great assistant
Meanwhile: Bob is knee deep in shit
Get some sewage in your wounds, Bob.
Sorrow waste is the worst waste of all
Good, there is no way they can find more information in the present and then go further back in time
Bob tries to go back to the future, but his infant brain is overriding his computer brain
This won't backfire
Bob stop gathering things in the sewer
Tiny nodule of wrinkled flesh
No Bob, you put that back
My tummy horted, what did i miss? Did they 9\11 Hitler?
Words in a book for children
Bob, Liam isn't worth it
Hitler's been dead, the new guy is named Kramer. Liam's going to a concentration camp. Bob is chilling in the sewer for no reason
Liam, Bob's not coming
Liam has only held you back, Bob
Meanwhile, in the past-present-future, the rest of the team is doing nothing.
Bob tried to drink the sewer, Liam
"Liam I have overcome my programming and returned to save you because... Liam, I love you."
"That's great Bob but please stop hugging me because you smell absolutely vile."
In the future, they send a message back. Don't ask how
He unhinged his jaw like a snake and tried to drink it, Liam
This would be much more fun if they bumped into Samurai Jack
Every plot needs a mandatory sewer level
Sewer brooding is Wolfenstein TNO as FUCK.
I don't want to use the word 'guzzle' here Liam, but it's only verb that fits
In the past, Kramer immediately starts contemplating suicide to escape time assassination
And this is still a book for children
Every time I read the word "guzzle" my brain fills in "Hands free semen guzzling?" because of Seanbaby.
"A door, you idiot."